Selamat Datang di PT MDI Group. Cukup satu perusahaan untuk semua kebutuhan digital marketing Anda.
Berikut ini adalah layanan spesial yang kami sediakan untuk perusahaan Anda. Semuanya kami sediakan masa garansi sesuai SK yang berlaku.
Website Toko Online, Website Media Online, Profil Perusahaan, Website Partai, Website Sekolah, Website Kampus, Website Pemerintah.
Jasa Pembuatan Apliaksi Andorid, Aplikasi iOS, Apliaksi Media Online, Aplikasi Toko Online, Aplikasi PPOB, Aplikasi Partai, dll.
Jasa Optimasi SEO On Page dan SEO Off Page. Cocok untuk Situs Berita, Pemilik Jasa, Pemilik Bisnis, UMKM agar Websitenya berada di Page #1.
Jasa Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads, Jasa Google Ads, Jasa Tiktok Ads, Jasa Twitter Ads, Jasa WhatsApp Broadcast & Email Broadcast.
Jasa (All in One) Social Media Monitoring & Analysis, Issue Mapping and Stakeholder Mapping. Cocok untuk Pemerintah & Instansi.
Jasa ISP, (All in One) Installation, Configuration, Security Hardening and Maintenance. Mikrotik, CHR, OpenWRT, Private VPN.
We Provide a Variety of Digitized Strategy Services. It's Time to Join with PT MDI Group
100% Money Back Guarantee
Experienced Since 2017 Handled The Needs of Many Clients in Digital Strategy.
The Strategy We're Running is Already Through Case Studies, So it Will be More Effective.
The Price We're Offering is The Most Affordable Price with Maximum Yield.
Customer Service Ready to Assist You Whenever You Need.
PT MDI Group Provide an Options Who Needs Special Package...
We Provide Livetime Support During Your Active Service.
Start creating online marketing campaigns for your business with sasspot's 15-day free trial. No commitment.
Berikut ini adalah pilihan paket website yang bisa Anda pesan.